MLB Data Analysis

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Project intended to familiarize myself with data analysis in R. The data used is from the Lahman database, which contains a wide variety of statistics for Major League Baseball (MLB).


Creates a scatter plot of the earned run average (ERA) of MLB pitchers against their age in the 2022 season. The data utilizes the Pitching table left-joined with the People table in the database to get the age of the pitchers.

To be qualified for the plot, a pitcher must have thrown at least 100 innings in the season and played in a minimum of 20 games. This is to ensure that the pitcher had a significant amount of playing time in the season (i.e. ignore position players that have pitched, pitchers that were injured, etc.).

ERA vs Age


Creates a scatter plot of the win percentage of MLB teams in 2016 against their total expenditure on players salaries for that season.

Win % vs Salary

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Color Frequency Palette

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