The Fable of Link

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A labyrinth-style game written in Java.

Download the Project

Download as a ZIP or clone this repository to your local machine by running the following command in your computer’s terminal:

$ git clone

Navigate to the root directory of project:

$ cd /path/to/the-fable-of-link

Run the Game

The following files are included in the scripts folder to run the game: for MacOS/Linux build.bat for Windows

Different build scripts are included based on OS to ensure that the tile images fit perfectly within the game window. uses the bash shell and build.bat uses the cmd shell.

Before executing one of the scripts, you’ll have to add executable permissions to the file for the user. If you’re running a bash shell, you can run the following command:

$ chmod u+x path/to/

For Windows, .bat files should be executable by default. If it’s not, you can right-click on the .bat file, click Properties, and add the corresponding permissions from there.

Then, run the following command in the terminal at the root directory of the game’s folder:

$ ./scripts/


$ scripts/build.bat

and begin playing the game. Compiled class files will be placed in the bin folder.

If neither script is used to run the game, a default window size will be provided automatically.


While in regular mode:
<Arrow Keys> - Move Link
<Ctrl> or <B> - Throw boomerang
<S> - Save current tile/pot map
<L> - Load tile/pot map saved in map.json file
<E> - Toggle edit mode

While in edit mode:
<Click> - Add/remove tiles
 - Click on empty space to add a tile
 - Click on tile to remove tile
<P> - Toggle placing either tiles or pots

Run into pots to slide them across the room into a wall.
Throw a boomerang at a pot to break the pot in its place.
Slide a pot into another pot to break both pots.
Broken pots will be removed from the screen after a short period of time.


green_play blue_play red_play green_edit

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